Wash Day Challenge


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Wash Day Challenge

Help a washing machine manufacturer design a product that will successfully deliver advanced services to the Industrial Laundry sector.


Hello, I’m Janet, CEO here at CleanNtec. I want to welcome you to our team.


You are in: The Boardroom

Click or tap on a member of the board to receive information vital to the success of the company strategy.

Each member of the management team is concerned with different aspects of the business.

Return here at the end of each round to gather valuable feedback and insights.

Hello, I’m Janet, CEO here at CleanNtec. I want to welcome you to our team.


You are accessing: Customer Base

Click or tap on a laundry company to find out about their business, what is important to them and what they expect from their suppliers.

Customer will provide important information vital to the success of your company strategy, be sure to visit them after each round.

Components: Casing > Door > Drum & Motor > Sensor > Alert



This basic washing machine shell is formed from a single sheet moulded, highly durable plastic. Maintenance for all other components is facilitated via a removable panel at the rear of the appliance.

Maintenance: 90 mins

Life Cycle: 2 years

Repair Cost: Replace



Quality meets convenience with this advanced casing design. Three separately accessible servicing panels allows for the speedy maintenance of other machine components and easy installation of expansion modules.

Maintenance: 60 mins

Life Cycle: 3.6 years

Repair: 20% of Unit



The build quality and superior technological integration means this casing will endure and remain current. A single release front-facing maintenance panel provides maximum efficiency for all internal repairs and upgrades.

Maintenance: 50 mins

Life Cycle: 5 years

Repair: 50% of Unit

Standard Handle


The most popular domestic washing machine door on the market. The durable opening mechanism and thick rubber seals offers a reliable cleaning experience for loads up to 28kg.

Maintenance: 30 mins

Life Cycle: 1.6 years

Repair: Replace

Integrated View


A stylish door system that offers a superior viewing window and integrated door handle that significantly reduces maintenance requirements even when delivering heavy loads of up to 35kg.

Maintenance: 20 mins

Life Cycle: 2.4 years

Repair: 60% of Unit

Digital Slim


The latest in washing machine door technology. This self-locking, auto-opening system reduces human usage errors by up to 20%. The construction and seals can handle wash loads of up to 37kg.

Maintenance: 25 mins

Life Cycle: 2.4 years%

Repair: 40% of Unit

Power 1000


A roomy drum capable of a 1000 spin. The fine construction of the rotary unit keeps this combination light and reduces vibration. This drum has recommended maximum capacity load of 32kg. Average 30° wash time is 75 minutes. Consistent power requirements throughout wash.

Maintenance: 180 mins

Life Cycle: 1.8 years

Repair: Replace

Turbo 1500


Reduce drying times with this powerful turbo 1500 spin unit. A thick 10mm belt drive ensures both speed and low decibels. A 35kg load can be laundered in 60 minutes. Variable power usage throughout the cycle helps to keep electricity bills low and offers a reduced environmental impact.

Maintenance: 120 mins

Life Cycle: 2.4 years

Repair: 40% of Unit

Turbo Direct


Brimming with technology this direct drive drum and motor delivers ultimate reliability and capacity. This technology is capable of washing 40kg of laundry in under 40 minutes. The drum manages water usage and offers excellent heat retention thus minimising environmental impact.

Maintenance: 150 mins

Life Cycle: 2.5 years

Repair: 40% of Unit



This advanced heat sensor integrates seamlessly with existing electronics to report on the impact of water usage and electricity consumption based on the weight of each load.

Maintenance: 15 mins

Life Cycle: 5 years



Monitoring the vibration levels of mechanical components offers insight into the machine’s performance and the human behaviours that affect them.

Maintenance: 15 mins

Life Cycle: 5 years

Remote monitoring


With improvements in Internet of Things (IoT) technology this sensor & communication package enables detailed machine data to be automatically sent for remote analysis.

Maintenance: 20 mins

Life Cycle: 4 years

Information Pack


This specially designed information pack includes a weighing scale for each location. Stickers, brochures and posters ensure your team are constantly reminded of good practice throughout their day.

Maintenance: 15 mins

Life Cycle: 5 years

Weight Alarm


This electronic upgrade warns your team when their machine reaches or exceeds the recommended load limit. The alarm can be set to varying sensitivities by the laundry manager per machine.

Maintenance: 15 mins

Life Cycle: 5 years



Irradicate both under and overloading and extend product-life span with this electronic upgrade. Load boundaries can be adjusted to maximise throughput efficiency while remaining within product-safe limits.

Maintenance: 15 mins

Life Cycle: 5 years

You are in: The Design Studio

You can choose to change one component from your machine per round. Remember that your changing costs will scale as the number of units sold increases.

Current Configuration

Casing: Premium (£60)

Door: Standard Handle (£20)

Drum & Motor: Power 1000 (£180)

Current Unit Production Cost: £260

Configuration Change

None Selected

You have selected a new component

You have chosen to change the door of your machine to: Integrated View. This selection will replace any previous component choice you made during this round. Please confirm your choice.








Unit cost: -

New units:

Updating old unit cost:

Total Production: -

Maintenance and Parts

Scheduled: hrs | Unscheduled: hrs

Avg. Scheduled Duration: hours

Avg. Unscheduled Duration Per Customer: hours

Total Unscheduled Duration: hours

Repairs: | Replacements:

Total Maintenance: -

Total Part: -


Advanced Service

Monthly Cost Per Unit:

Total Income:


Target Achieved: %

Bonus Rate: Target + 5%

Total Bonus:

You are in: The Data Centre

You can browse key metrics about the company performance and our advanced service in the Data Centre.

Each round covers a three-year financial period, you can view the results of a particular year by using the dropdown menu opposite. Keep an eye on the company bank account, if its value falls below -£37,000 it will be game over for you.

Well done, your strategy really paid off - we couldn’t be happier with that result! But can you repeat that sort of success? Use the button below to play again and remember to speak to customers – sometimes they like to target other markets!

Game Over

Visit the Data Centre or play again.

Game Over… You failed to make an impact on our bottom line and our bank account has exceeded the maximum overdraft limit. I’m sure you could do better, use the button below to play again. Be sure to speak to the customers, sometimes they like to target other markets!.

Game Over

Visit the Data Centre or play again.

Well done! We knew you could turn this ship around. You can review how successful your strategy was in the Data Centre. Could you do better? Use the button below to play again. Be sure to speak to the customers, sometimes they like to target other markets!

Game Over

Visit the Data Centre or play again.

You did OK, but not well enough for us to stand out from the competition. If you had another chance, could you do better? You can review how successful your strategy was in the Data Centre or use the button below to play again. Be sure to speak to the customers, sometimes they like to target other markets!

Game Over

Visit the Data Centre or play again.

Run next round

You are about to run the next round. If you have made a design change it will be included in the production of all future machines. Existing customers will also be upgraded. Are you sure you want to continue?